Fun opportunities such as posing like a band on the steps of Xunantunich, a Maya archaeological site...

...and then climbing to the top of El Castillo, the tallest structure at the site (and 2nd tallest building in Belize)...

...or taming a Boa Constrictor and high-fiving a jaguar at the Belize Zoo.

And of course some educational opportunities, such as learning how to look out for each other while tubing down the Macal River...

...or learning how to find your way into and around town...

...or learning how to catch one of the many geckos that lives with you.

We're off to a great start this semester with a quality group of students, all eleven of whom are ready for more enjoyment and learning as they begin classes. First up: Stream Ecology!
Thanks so much! Loved the "tour". I've been reading these for several semesters and never get tired of seeing how each semester unfolds--each with similarities and yet its own unique flavor.